Originally Posted by SAK
Does the same apply for body piercings? I don't look for it and I try not to see these things but if I do see them then it has to be addressed.
We just, this week, received an email "blast" from our local interpreter that told us not to go looking for jewelry, or piercings, that are not visible. Nice interpretation. I really wasn't looking forward to asking the players to lift their jerseys to check for belly button rings, or even worse, for piercings a little more "south" of the belly.
He also reminded us that earrings could not be covered with tape. If we believed that tape on a player's ear was to cover an earring, then we should just ask the player why he, or she, had tape on their ear. If they replied that it covered a wound, then just take them at their word, and let it go. If they answered that it was covering an earring, then tell them that they can't play until the earring comes out.