Originally Posted by Camron Rust
Disagree....3.5.7B disallows tights that extend below the uniform shorts....not a blanket prohibition.
3.5.7 SITUATION B: A player, for religious reasons, may not wear shorts. Would he/she be able to wear tights under the basketball uniform shorts, warmups or a skirt instead of shorts? RULING: NFHS basketball uniform rules do not require that the uniform pants be "shorts." However, undergarments or tights may not be worn which extend below the pants, therefore wearing tights “below the uniform shorts” would be illegal. The player could wear long pants or a skirt as the uniform "bottom" and be in compliance. (3-4) If the pants are longer than the tights, legal. If the tights are longer than the pants, illegal. The actual length of either one doesn't matter as long as the undergarment is shorter than the outer-garment.
Nice try, but 3-5-7 states two requirements for compression shorts/tights. The item must: a. Have a length above the knee and b. not extend below the pants/skirt.
So no matter how long the pants are, the undergarments cannot go past the knee.