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Old Thu Dec 01, 2011, 01:48pm
VaTerp VaTerp is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
A close second, for me, are officials that pass on contact that does cause an advantage because the contact isn't violent -- or because they feel they can "keep the game moving" and not have "game interrupters."

We had 30 and 31 fouls in my first two boys varsity games. I had 2 "and-ones" in each game. I know officials that would've chastised me on those and to them I say -- why should I pass only cause the ball went in the hole -- the shot attempt was affected?

I'm guessing we're on the same page, though. I watch a fair number of JV games where both teams are in the double bonus early in the second half and about half of those fouls weren't really fouls.
Yes, passing on obvious fouls simply because the shot went in is not part of the patient whistle concept. It's just poor officiating.

Now, in a clear blowout I will pass on some "and-1s" that may have otherwise been called. Some people may have a problem with this but I think it's a part of game management and common sense.

Even as a strong supporter of the patient whistle concept, I recognize that we HAVE to protect shooters regardless of whether or not the ball went in. I just have a big beef with whistles on marginal contact. I think that some officials truly don't understand the concept of advantage/disadvantage which IMO is the basis for the patient whistle philosophy.

When I posted in this thread yesterday I was thinking of the JV game I watched before my V game on Tuesday. They were in the double bonus both ways right after the start of the 4th quarter and it was not really a physical game. They just had what IMO were a lot of bad calls on marginal contact.

I'm all for whistles that protect shooters, clean up post play, and get defenders hands off of ball handlers on the perimeter. I'm even sort of chomping at the bit to get a good "bumping a cutter" call here based on what I've seen in some of the scrimmages I did a few weeks ago.

But again, I think understanding what concepts like "patient whistle" and "seeing the whole play" mean and how they should be applied is important to good officiating at all levels of play.
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