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Old Tue Nov 22, 2011, 02:37pm
DaveASA/FED DaveASA/FED is offline
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Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu View Post
Given that, I think ASA and NFHS should provide some latitude for its umpires so we have a bit more to choose from. I don't like the idea of having to either remove or color in a part of the shoe that isn't completely black. Seems a bit tacky to have to do that if you've found a shoe you're comfortable in.
I guess I look at it a llittle differently. ASA and NFHS DO allow latitude for you to wear any shoe you want to, whats comfortable to you wear it. Just black out any color that's not black. Honestly I don't see what the big deal it to use your sharpie and color them in, or leather luster works great too. Again just a little difference of opinion I guess, some ask why do I have to color them in, others think just freakin color them in and go on.
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