Thu Oct 27, 2011, 08:23am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Northwest suburbs of Chicago
Posts: 645
Originally Posted by Robert Goodman
In our case it's not that, because neither team is allowed to cross their line of scrimmage, and the ball is dead where it comes into any player's possession, the spot being the farthest point toward R's end the ball was touched at (if no touchback). I tell our players spread out to field the ball that knocking it forward is as good as catching it. They just want to limit the number of players we have back there to make them cover more of the field each.
Here is part of what I received from a rule interpreter this morning.
Mike, your question was addressed a few years ago when the rule was changed to prohibit the rush of a punter at FW level ball. It is felt that since the defense cannot move until the ball is kicked, the receiving team will present a dangerous situation by presenting a static wall or wedge. Limiting the number of receivers also limits the likelihood of full speed collisions, much like what the NFL is doing by moving up the kickoff line.
He added
With regards to the assessment of penalty, it was misapplied. At FW ball, the play should never have begun. Adjusting the players during this illegal formation has been discussed with officiating crews many times. We may have to do it again. I hope this helps and good luck in the playoffs.