Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
This story broke becaue it became known that players were drinking while at work. My kid and many others watch ESPN and know what is happening.
A number of clubs prohibit alcohol in the clubhouse and locker room. They didn't publicize it and all was fine until a couple knuckleheads pushed the envelope and now MLB is stepping in. The Players Union is considering suspensions for members who get popped for DUI/DWI. That never would have happened without media scrutiny. Times have changed.
It probably also matters that the Red Sox lost this year. After all, in 2004, the whole team was
drinking liquor before playoff games. I suspect that beer and chicken wouldn't be a negative story this year, had the Red Sox made it to the World Series.
Now, the fact that success keeps judgment at bay is probably a good lesson for our children to learn.