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Old Wed Oct 26, 2011, 01:42pm
Scratch85 Scratch85 is offline
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Originally Posted by palmettoref View Post
A1 is injured as the horns sounds to end the first quarter and the coach of Team A is beckoned by an official onto the court to attend to A5. RULING:
The intermission should begin when A5 is removed from the court. No substitute is required when A5 is ready to play to start the second quarter. When A5 is not ready, a substitute should report before the warning horn or a time out may be requested by Team A to keep A5 in the game.

I have several question here just to make sure that I am understanding the proper ruling on this case.

1. If team A coach waits until after the 45 sec warning horn to send a sub for A5, this does not prevent that sub from entering the game? Because we can't begin the second quarter with only 4 team A players, correct?

2. And if he decides at 55 seconds of the 1 minute intermission that he wants a time out to keep A5 in the game, can anyone think of why we would not grant that request?

I seems to think that if he wants a time out before the ball becomes live to begin the second quarter, then we should grant his request? Agree or disagree?

Any thought would be appreciated?
My thoughts while trying to avoid being too wordy;

1. Correct. If the intermission ended and no sub had reported, I would expect the player to remain in the game. If coach informed me then that he was injured and could not go, I would inform him we need a sub. If he requested a TO, I would grant it. If not, I would start the timer.

2. I cannot think of any reason not to grant the TO.

IMO, I believe 3.3.6D means that a TO is not required to keep an injured player in the game. It does not mean that it is not available.
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