It's great to be able to recite any rule in the book. But if you can't apply them in real time, and tell the differene between interference, obstruction and "that's nothing" in the single second that all three are in play, it's all worthless. Intersting, but worthless.
Here's some practical advice. Go work the bases in a Little League minors game. I kid you not. You will see more nutty plays in one game, than during a whole season of HS varsity ball. The unexpected is the norm with the little guys. They throw to the unexpected base, the run at the unexpected times, and the stand in the most unexpected places. Surprise is the umpires worst enemy (closely followed by an illfitting cup), and that's what you're served a large portion of with the midgets.
(p.s. 10-15 seconds is a really long time. Try to keep it to 3 seconds, tops)
Last edited by kylejt; Mon Oct 24, 2011 at 11:19pm.