Originally Posted by Zepp
Item #27 proposes that pitching regulations of Mens and Women/JO Olympic
be unified in Rule 6-3. (Add Women/JO to H & L and eliminate sub-sections I & K)
a)This obviously would eliminate the "leaping" scenario of Women/JO Olympic
as long as the pivot foot toe is pointed downward when both feet are airborne.
(possibly eliminate some of the chirping from coaches?)
b) If Women/JO are added to sub-section H, this would eliminate the section
which indicates that the step must be within the 24-inch length of the pitching plate. (is this good? bad? no big deal?)
Just curious as to some opinions on this proposal.
Speaking from the perspective of the everyday youth FP (i.e. not the elite levels of fastpitch), something needs to be done to simplify the pitching rules so they can be consistently understood, recognized, and applied. I'm not sure whether these proposals help or hurt that, since it takes the leap out of the picture (one of the easiest footwork violations to see) and places everything on the second point of impetus, one of the more difficult to see in real time.