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Old Wed Oct 12, 2011, 03:29pm
MD Longhorn MD Longhorn is offline
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
In my opinion (with admittedly VERY little experience), this should be the plate umpire's call at 3rd.
with no other runners, I agree with you - although I normally pregame this.
If the BU is set up outside of the diamond and 10-12 feet back, they've got very little chance of getting to 3B and getting set to make a tight call, especially on a fast runner with a quick defense.
Anytime I've got runners actively running the bases, my mask comes off and I move away from behind the catcher, even if it's just a single runner stealing 2nd. In the case of a runner stealing 2nd (and not a D3K situation), or even a ball 4 situation, I do move up a the 3B line a little and watch the play. There's no reason for me to park my butt behind home plate.[/QUOTE]With no one on, I agree. However, R1 on third, and you're coming around waiting for the PB to be played to F2 - BU is all alone out there with the other runner.

Also - this is one of the items we discuss at pre-game, especially when working 5 or 6 games or in 100 degrees.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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