As most here know, I crossed over to the dark side a few years ago and coach my son's ball team in addition to umpiring a crazy Spring schedule. I never liked it when a coach would say, "I need that strike too." when I called it on one of his batters. I swore I would never do it. I then did just that. It is pretty hard not to see a different strike zone when you are in a coach's box. I;m sure I'll do it again too. (sigh)
I don't believe I have ever asked a catcher what he thought of my calls when he was batting. I may have asked him what was up after one of his teammates was rung up and the bench was louder than normal. Usually, catchers at my level are smarter than I would have been at their age. Most know that it's best to keep me happy. I try to do the same with them.