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Old Wed Oct 12, 2011, 10:54am
jr131981 jr131981 is offline
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Posts: 73
Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
At a clinic last year, one of the instructors chided me because when I was in the "A" position and walking the line, I took two steps instead of one. He actually made a big deal out of it, stopping the drill we were doing and pulling me aside so that he could show everyone "the right way".

At another clinic, we were doing plate work. I set up with my eyes at the top of the strike zone. One instructor told me that I was setting up too low. Later that day, another instructor told me I was setting up too high!
ive never understood the whole walking the line concept

from pg 246 of the 2011 ump manual

"walk the line by taking one or two steps toward home plate, pushing off with your left foot to move off the foul line when the ball is batted"

for groundballs to an IFer, why do i have to walk 1-2 steps down the line then move into position to make the call at 1B? why not just move into position right away?
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