Originally posted by just another ref
Originally posted by theshortbaldref
You havent't lived until you stop at the Jersey Lilly in Ingomar, MT (population -3) for the homemade bean soup washed down with a budlight.
Every time I hear bean soup I remember that it was what they fed Matt Dillon for his first meal one of the many times he was unjustly imprisoned, working in Judge Brooker's mine. Just didn't look too appetizing there.
My brother official, may we invite you to great nothingness of southeastern Montana. Check Blackhawk 357's hunting website, signup, and come yonder. Matt Dillon would have committed crimes to get into Judge Brooker's mine if Old Bill Seward (may he rest in peace) had been building the bean soup with his home-grown lentls. And let's not forget the sheepdip hors d'oeuvres all in a a one-restaurant ghosttown once proclaimed as "The wool capital of the world". Need to take a dump? the excitement is just beginning as you trek to the outdoor biffies referred to affectionately as the bull and heffer pens. Snakes are optional, good times are mandatory.
[Edited by theshortbaldref on Mar 11th, 2003 at 05:24 PM]