Amen man ... you were right. I get that sometimes... oh you do rec ball your no good or you have an easy job PSH! Coaches and parents taht think because they pay XX.XX at the begging of the year its their ticket to harrass the crap out of you? No... I've been to plenty of high school games. I have talked to college officials. They all have told me that recreation ball is someo f the hardest to call. Does thatm ake me better than you? One thing my grandparents always taught me was
"When you climb your ladder dont forget those first two steps. They take the most weight on a ladder and they just may fail you one day on your way down."
I know you didnt imply you are a better referee than us but i am going to take a stand with my fellow young guy. On this one.
just because we're 15/16 doesnt mean we can't handle the game, the coaches, the parents, the pressure. I've seen adult partners who have called High school games ask me if the coach is getting to me and this is long before i feel the coach is getting out of hand. I mean ... how many 15/16 year old referees do you know that head-butt people?
John "acee" A.
Recently got a DWI - Driving With Icee.