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Old Mon Sep 26, 2011, 10:48am
greg21001 greg21001 is offline
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Posts: 10
Parent asking a question

As the title says, I'm just a parent looking to grip and also get some opinions. Dd played in a tournament this past weekend. It rained hard Friday night and Sat night, so the fields were pretty muddy. After about the 3-4 pitch of our first came the HP ump called timed because mud from the catchers glove flew into his eye. No big deal, so I thought. Next inning the same thing....after it happend the third time he told out catcher if she puts her glove in the mud again and he gets mud in his eye he is going to go inot the dug out and take about 10 mins to clean his eyes out and hes going to keep the clock running. Is there anything our catcher could have done to help the umpire out....???

I have learned from reading this forum that there is certain calls umpires have and the other umpire really isn't paying all that much attention to. What happened is that the FU has between 2 and 3 and we had a girl bunt. FU called her safe but the HP over ruled and said out. I'm pretty sure HP just can over turn on foot off the base but he said the throw just wasn't in time. Is that his call?

Thanks in advance.
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