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Old Mon Sep 12, 2011, 03:20pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
A few years ago I was working a game in Illinois and the visiting team wanted me to check their "kicking ball." I told the coach that I'd be happy to check in the football, but it would just be one of the legal game balls.

Then the kid handed me the football. No way I was going to allow this thing -- it looked like it was overinflated and run through a sander. The kid was a punter who actually was offered a D1 scholarship and, man, could he punt. With a normal ball -- I never saw him punt "his" ball.

It's up to us whether a ball is over or under inflated. If we checked it in, it's unlikely it's coming out until the next series UNLESS it's wet or if it gets punctured.
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