Sun Sep 04, 2011, 02:36pm
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: NE Ohio
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Originally Posted by Freddy
I do basketball and choose to remain blissfully ignorant of football rules so as to never be able to contest any calls made by my striped friends on the field with hats on their heads. Please, however, help me understand this football situation.
There is one area coach whose team, in a punting situation, always has his center snap the ball to a holder who places the ball and the kicker kicks it just as if it were a field goal attempt. Doesn't matter if it's at midfield or deep in their own territory, they've done it the same for several years now.
Other than the possibility that this team always has a kicker but has no one who can punt, is there any rules advantage for this team's coach to do this?
Thanx in advance for your response(s).
For NFHS, both punts and FG attempts are scrimmage kicks and governed by exactly the same rules. A missed FG functions just like a punt in every way.