Originally Posted by bainsey
Nor do I. However, we're dealing in the realm of unsportsmanlike conduct here.
And your point is what?
Originally Posted by bainsey
Does a coach that openly opines how much you "suck" put his opposition at a disadvantage? Does a player who flips off his opposing bench -- or anyone, for that matter -- put his opponent at a disadvantage? Although there's no clear disadvantage in either case, these are instances we cannot let go, so we punish accordingly.
Who said anything about flipping someone off or telling someone they suck? Those are more obvious situations that would be addressed just like flopping with no contact would be.
Originally Posted by bainsey
Does flopping create a disadvantage? No, but that's not the point. Flopping is cheating and unsportsmanlike, plain and simple. If you let it go without even a warning, the cheating continues.
It could cause an advantage if done in the right situation, but this situation specifically the guy took himself out of the play and gave an open look. Not to say that the actual call was not a good one, but I hope it took place with some previous behavior or that is the standard for this call in that league, area.
Originally Posted by bainsey
The only people who could possibly give you grief over calling the flops are those that don't believe cheating is a big deal.
OK, keep telling yourself that. I guess the people that claim they never fouled anyone on a call also believe in cheating too? Oh, do you T them when they question your call? After all that is clearly against the rules.