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Old Sat Sep 03, 2011, 02:51pm
bainsey bainsey is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
Sorry, but I do not see a player that takes himself out of a play on the perimeter as putting his opponent at a clear disadvantage.
Nor do I. However, we're dealing in the realm of unsportsmanlike conduct here.

Does a coach that openly opines how much you "suck" put his opposition at a disadvantage? Does a player who flips off his opposing bench -- or anyone, for that matter -- put his opponent at a disadvantage? Although there's no clear disadvantage in either case, these are instances we cannot let go, so we punish accordingly.

Does flopping create a disadvantage? No, but that's not the point. Flopping is cheating and unsportsmanlike, plain and simple. If you let it go without even a warning, the cheating continues. The only people who could possibly give you grief over calling the flops are those that don't believe cheating is a big deal.
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