Originally Posted by Skahtboi
That is certainly another of those "feel good" laws some knee jerk reactionary thought sounded like a good idea, and that can be easily circumnavigated by standard email, text, or the good old fashioned phone call.
I have often wondered, as a public educator myself, when we became so concerned with students and teachers being able to talk. We never seemed to, historically anyway, be concerned when our kids stayed after school for tutoring or made phone calls to teachers. Why do they think that social media is any more of a bugaboo?
Because we don't know what to teach our kids anymore these days.
We ask them to be respectful, but teach them to not trust authorities like teachers, principals and policemen.
We teach them to be afraid of strangers, but it's okay to let that TSA man touch you inside your pants in the interests of "national security."
We sterilize their world with Lysol and hand gels, but feed them crap with more preservatives than Lenin's body.
We tell them we want them to be good, hard workers and to dream big, but there are some parents out there who are actively working to abolish homework.
We want every kid to be doctors, lawyers, etc., but we tell them that their incorrect and mediocre schoolwork is "good enough."
We want every kid to be a winner, so we no longer keep score in an attempt to prevent kids from being "losers." And don't fool yourself, the kids are keeping score. We're teaching them to add. Sort of.
We teach them to learn about every other culture and religion in the world, but that one Christmas tree in front of a town hall is somehow going to be the ruin of the whole town (and I'm an atheist, by the way).
We no longer spank our children when they misbehave, and instead tell 2-year olds to sit in a corner for 5 minutes to "think about their actions."
We say we want our kids to be strong, but in reality, we teach them to be cowards.
When I grew up, you listened to your elders. You respected your neighbors and ran to their house if you were in trouble. You said "yes, sir" or "yes ma'am" to a policeman/policewoman, and if my parents got a phone call home from the teacher, guess what. I got a spanking.
I'm thankful for the way I was raised. I respect my bosses, I respect others around me, and it's done me a world of good.
We're raising a generation of effing sissies.
(I wanted to use another word, but I respect the language rules here)