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Old Thu Aug 18, 2011, 03:06am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
I just did a fitness test last night for our soccer board (hence my bringing it up). Part of the reason I took up soccer (which I've come to enjoy as much as basketball, by the way) is because they have a fitness test. These are the four parts and requirements:

*1.125 mile run: 12 minutes
*50-yard dash: 8.5 seconds
*shuttle run (5 yards up, then back, then 10 yards, 15, 20, 25): 42 seconds
*shuffle run (25 yards forward, 25 shuffling left, 25 backward, 25 shuffling right): 30 seconds

Passage is required for varsity games; taking the test is required for any games.
We did ours today.
First time that we have had actual requirements and timed it.

1.5 mile run. Each person is timed. We will use these times to decide what we desire for the different levels of HS games NEXT year. This year one simply has to complete it.

Box drill stolen from NISOA: Run around a 10-yard square--forward, side-step, backward, side-step, repeat in opposite direction. Timed for data this year. Takes about 25-30 seconds.

We will add a sprint of some kind next Fall. Perhaps a 40-yard dash.

There have been some serious changes where I am in both basketball and soccer. With the economy down, we have more officials than ever. We can afford to be more stringent in our requirements for assignments. There was also a generation of veteran officials who hung on for a few years longer than they probably should have and they have been exiting over the past few years leaving lots of room for younger replacements to step in. Spurring some competition for those openings on higher level assignments has yielded mostly positive results.
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