WOW a BLARGE! was this a 2 or 3 man crew? if it was a
3 man crew this could very easily happen as both of you are on the same side of the court if you and your partner got
together and couldn't decide which happened first then you made the only call possible. However if this was a 2 man crew my only question is who was watching off ball? If the drive strted from the leads side the trail should have been watching off ball and would have never seen the PC. If the drive started from the trails side the lead should have been looking off ball and wouldn't have seen the whole play to call the Block. Even though the play ended up in his primary
he should have given the trail first chance to make this call. But still even if this happens in a 2 man crew if both of you get together and can't figure out which happened first then this is the only option left.