Originally Posted by strike4
Here is what happened:
While U1 was sweeping plate, offensive coach in dugout stepped out of the dugout and told the batter who was walking to the plate to hit the ball. U1 told the coach that that was his offensive conference for the inning. The 3rd base coach did not hear this. Later in the inning play was stopped so 3rd base coach started talking to the next batter while U1 was in the infield. When U1 turned around and saw the coach talking to the next batter he immediately told the coach that he could not talk to the batter since they had already used their offensive conference for the inning. The third base coach got mad because he did not know about the previous conference. The defensive coach ask if the batter is out since the offensive team had violated the second offensive conference rule. U1 told him no and told the girls to play ball. Defensive coach got mad and ask for the UIC to be called to the field. The UIC came to the field, but determined that U1 handle the issue correctly. Of course every play from that point on was a fuss.
I know the coaches involved, didn't realize it was them till last night. Strike4's account of the event is accurate as far as I can tell.
Not the first account during the weekend where this particular umpire had an issue. The other time was with another umpire. Possible case of short man's disease.