Originally Posted by umpire12
so, lets take this to the nth degree...2nd inning: blue, i want my flex to hit for my left fielder. coach, you cant do that. lets take a look at your lineup and see what we can do.
Why look at the lineup card to see what we can do, when there is nothing "we can do"?
If F7 is the current batter, the answer is simply, "Flex can only hit for DP."
Originally Posted by umpire12
blue, i to put a courtesy runner in for my shortstop. coach, you cant do that. lets take a look at your lineup and see whos pitching and catching.
Why would you look at the lineup card to see what we can do, when there is nothing "we can do"?
"Coach, you can only CR for P or C."
Originally Posted by umpire12
blue, id like my sub who already reentered to enter again. coach, you cant do that. lets take a look at your lineup and see what we can do..
Why would you look at the lineup card to see what we can do, when there is nothing "we can do"?
"Coach, your sub is done and may not re-enter."
Originally Posted by umpire12
3rd inning: the same...4th inning the same....etc......you would continue to assist the coach ?
I do not consider any of my responses assisting the coach.
Question to you, is why did coach wait until the 2nd inning?