Originally posted by JRutledge
Dodging what?
Jeff, please don't play dumb, ok? It doesn't become you. I know you're not stupid, and I know you can read. So I also know that must be aware of the request (triple-dog dare) that I've made several times. If you don't want to admit that you were wrong, due to stubbornness or lack of courage, fine. But don't insult my intelligence by pretending.
I never claimed what anyone said something specifically.
Jeff, again, here is the exact quote from your first post in this thread:
we have people on this board that think your test score is the determiner of what officiating is all about.
That is a specific claim. At least one person here thinks that a test score determines the value of an official. That's your claim (or fairly close to it). Did you ascribe this to a particular individual? No. That is, however, irrelevant. All I have asked you to do is to provide some evidence that your statement is true, other than your above-stated claim.
In any intellectual or scientific dialogue, a person who asserts that something is true is expected by his audience to present evidence or support for his assertions. You went to college and graduated with a bachelor's degree (if I recall correctly), so you must know how to present a case and support it. That's all I've asked you to do. Present one single, solitary post in which someone states that a person's test score is completely indicative of that person's officiating ability. If you can't or won't support the claims you've made on this topic, then I again ask (respectfully, this time) that you stop making those claims.
Take the comments for what they are worth
As of now, Jeff, they're worth nothing. I believe them to be totally false, and you've done nothing to change my view on that. If you would find the courage to admit that your comments were incorrect, and if you were to say that you would not make these comments anymore, I believe the respect for you among members of this board would grow immensely. You've said in the past that you don't care about that; nevertheless, I think it's true.
So once again I'll ask; can you offer any support whatsoever for the claim that I quoted above? If not, will you then admit you were wrong? Stop dodging and answer those two simple questions.