Post-Game Review
Congratulations on surviving your first three-man (ok, "three person-") crew experience!
As this has hopefully whetted your appetite to do more, be sure to take every opportunity you can get to go to as many games as you can to observe good three-man crews in action. Also, look for a good three-man camp in your area to attend. Guys in our area who are that new to three-man would get eaten up by the coaches who know what they're looking for from a crew, so the very fact that you survived well seems to speak for your desire to do the best and advance. Some assignors, if you blow a three-man assignment as a newer official, will hesitate to assign you more in the future.
You bit off a big chunk of the proverbial apple and enjoyed the taste. Good job.
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call