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Old Wed Jun 22, 2011, 06:50pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by tref View Post
State tournament game... same thoughts Nevada?
edit....was typing up my play when someone came into my office....i hit submit a couple hours later only to see that Snaq posed essentially the same question.

Or this play....

Championship game, 15 seconds left, score within one basket ether way. A2 shoots and misses. A1, inches from the endline right in front of you lead, gets the rebound and finds himself surrounded by B4 and chance to get a shot up...10 seconds left. A2 tries to pass the ball back out to A3 but the ball sails way over A3's head into the backcourt where A3 retrieves the ball. The only players the ball ever had a chance of touching were A1, B4 and B5....all deep in you primary.

What would you do if A1 threw the ball such that it (A) was tipped by B4 or B5 and your partner(s) call a backcourt violation or (B) was clearly not tipped by either B4 or B5 and your partner(s)did not call a backcourt violation?

Your decision to act or not act has a good chance to change who wins the game.
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Last edited by Camron Rust; Wed Jun 22, 2011 at 06:54pm.
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