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Old Tue Feb 25, 2003, 01:39pm
BlackFox40 BlackFox40 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 29
During a YMCA organized game a kid flopped after he went up for a lay up and came down on both knees. At that moment I didn't make any call because it was so obvious of the flop. (I then waited to see what this kid was up to.) He then picked himself up and proceeded down court without questioning the official,on the other hand his coach was wanting the foul. A couple of plays later the same kid comes flying by for the lay up and once again he lands on his knees, I immediately blew my whistle and looked towards the table and called officials time out. I asked the kid if he was alright then instructed him to cut the crap with the flops and asked him who taught him to flop he was so petrified with my tone of voice that he confessed that he's Dad taught him to flop, coincidentally his father was the coach. I walked over to the coach and said you teach this unsportsmenship tactic to any kid and your going to find yourself outside of this gym for good. I then tee'd up the little wet fish.
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