Originally Posted by RichMSN
I am just a little ole' HS official, but I am happy to send a catcher out to talk to a pitcher (I'll call a balk when the pitcher balks, but when he's close but not balking, it hurts nobody to have the catcher remind him that he's close) or talk to post players to let them know I'm there. What I'm saying is that I agree completely.
Originally Posted by Tim C
Sometimes Mike you're just wrong in how officiating is done in the modern age.
I have been taught for many, many moons that preventive officiating is not only accepted but it clearly defines the top officials from the "almost" top officials.
Quietly reminding a pitcher that he needs to "pause better" when you are a base umpire, telling post men in basketball to quit pushing on each other while trying to gain position, or assiting a wide reciever to line up legally in a football game are not coaching.
Telling players to stay back on the grass as a runner scores is not coaching it is asking that the players respect you in doing your job.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
Do I need to quote them again?
Nah, I'll do it.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I did it once and you seem to have a problem understanding that Tim and RichMSN both stated that it is acceptable to prevent a pitcher from balking by alerting him to his rule breaking mechanics. Geesh.
I have a problem understanding that they stated that because they haven't. It's pretty clear, actually, especially with Rich's statement above. I even used crayon on it so you could spot it more easily.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I confine my baseball talk to the baseball forum. If you want to know what those sports tolerate, ask there.
Your insistence that other sports arent' relevant is comical, but sticktoit.
Originally Posted by MikeStrybel
I have never told a HC that his AC is about to be ejected. I also don't warn coaches that if they keep it up they will be tossed. I call what I see or hear. Impartiality begins with the ability to make tough calls.
When an AC starts getting chippy in a basketball game, I'll normally give the HC the courtesy of a warning. It's not in the rules, but it's expected. Sometimes, they simply go too far too quickly and a warning isn't possible.[/QUOTE]
I'm approaching this from a different perspective. A baseball fan who officiates basketball. I don't ump, haven't since I was in high school. But your insistence that preventive officiating is "cheating" and against the NFHS code of ethics is just laughable.
It apparently violates your personal moral code, and like Jeff, I have no problem with that. Just keep on keeping on, and hold on tight to that high road, it's windy.