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Old Mon Jun 20, 2011, 04:46pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
Jeff, I will let you have the last word. As I have stated numerous times, umpire to what your area expects. If they tolerate umpires who prevent players from breaking the rules, in violation of the umpire accepted official codes of ethics, great. I am hardly 'hot and bothered' by your posts. I find them amusing and a bit challenging to dissect, but hardly confrontational. You can call them as you see necessary. I will too. I will also continue to encourage my fellow umpires to do better than what is expected or talked about secretly between ourselves.

Enjoy your summer. I will do my best to do the same.
It is not about having the last word; I just disagree with your point of view. And we do have a new administrator in baseball (he also does football) and he did not give people playoff games just on power ratings. I can tell you that because there are other factors like availability, area and what they did before.

At the end of the day it does not matter. I will work what has worked for the past 15 years of doing baseball and will continue to do so. I said preventative officiating and you have turned this into allowing a player to violate a rule. OK, I guess. Not what anyone has said (and I am not alone in this discussion).

And let me address this as I think it matters. If you are not hot and bothered then why all the extra comments? I know you will not answer but it seems to me if you disagree then disagree. But for some reason this is personal for you like it was the other conversation and you were also proven to not be totally right there either and I was not the person to show you evidence to show you were incorrect. Again this is a forum to discuss things. Many people take these types of discussions to explain why they do things. We can honestly disagree, and if you do what works for you why would anyone really care? I know that these things I do are hardly noticed by even coaches and they have no idea unless I tell them what I said. Usually they say "Thank you" and we move on. To me this discussion is about as important as discussing if pitching overhand vs. sidearm. It is really about style and what works for you. It is really not that big of a deal.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)