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Old Mon Jun 20, 2011, 02:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
You consistently bring up other sports that are not relevant to baseball umpiring. What may be acceptable in another sport has nothing to do with baseball officiating. Nothing.
Well then why does everyone from the IHSA, Referee Magazine or even other publications discuss general officiating practices. Just the how the IHSA runs their camps it is clear that what is used in one sport works or is used in another. And if it was not relevant, then people would not have given examples of other sports.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
I mentioned having a manual to corroborate opinion because that is exactly what others here do. They demand that an umpire show support for a contention.
Point taken and you are right. But the manuals from the NF are very limited and often do not discuss many advanced officiating techniques and why people attend camps instead of relying on the manual alone.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
Anyone who has attended pro school knows that we receive direction on how to dress. Many of us were also told what equipment to use. Still, your comment is ludicrous on face and depserate at best. We are talking about mechanics and those are readily available in a number of media formats.

In Illinois, we use the NFHS rule book, supplemented by the IHSA codes and by-laws. Our clinics cover mechanics and standards. In none of our baseball literature will you find mention of helping a team subvert the rules.
OK, but that is pro school. If I go to a NBA camp those practices do not always translate to lower levels either. Of course there are some best practices that can apply to all levels when the pros teach it, but there are a lot of things that do not translate. For one those players are making money and that is their job. We are dealing with kids that might play baseball to pass the time for their other sports or they will never play after their HS career is over.

I also am directly involved in all my sports with training and every one of those that is run with the IHSA's approval we teach things that are not stated in all literature. Not only is that expected in every case, it is used across the board. I even run a clinic with a football crew member for the IHSA in Peoria and we talk about things that apply across multiple sports. We have to as that is the design of the camp. I cannot just talk about baseball only stuff when I have track, football and volleyball officials in the room.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
I have never stated that. Please do not misrepresent what I say here.
I did quote you now.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
For those not familiar with Illinois ratings protocol, I offer this: umpires are rated by coaches for every contest they work and by the top level of umpire partners (Certified) as well. Those numbers are compiled and officials are issued a power rating. It is used to rank you and assign playoffs. While not perfect, it is still a decent way to establish umpire ability. It is a work in progress and our leadership sees room for improvement. I anticpate changes that will allow for personal evaluation and less merit given to coach assessment and Top 15 list involvement. These last two are suspect at the moment.
But that is involved in a larger Power Point system. Coaches and Officials ratings are only worth 5 points and Top 15 is only worth 5 points, so multiple people have a say in your ratings in these two areas. That means you have 30 other points (40 Total Power Points) that factor in your rating system. So to say that ratings drives a philosophy not to piss off coaches and fans that is kind of a misrepresentation in my opinion. For one fans have no say in any ratings system around here, so why would those care about what fans think really? And only varsity games can be used by coaches to rate you (they have to fill out an extensive from to give a single rating). And I can tell you that I did not have the highest ratings and worked a state final in two different sports. Actually my baseball ratings dropped the year I worked a state final and I was not at the total possible points when I worked the same level in football. And my ratings in baseball have been pretty much the same and I have advanced in basketball. Yes ratings matter, but in our Official's Handbook it is clear the sports administrator can make some decisions independent of the ratings and I know they do from things they have stated.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
Collegiate umpires also recieve ratings. I didn't think I needed to state the obvious.
Well there are many people that do not know about what college umpires have to go through and not every state has a ratings system by the coaches. So you might want to make that clearer as many people might be unaware that our system is not the same as their system.

Originally Posted by MikeStrybel View Post
I have spoken with numerous officials, both partners and at the clinics I teach, regarding ratings responsibility. Some guys refuse to check equipment, enforce jewelry rules, batter's box infractions or call balks simply because they want to earn top ratings from coaches. They openly admit that they are compelled to give players and teams breaks because they want to advance and are stuck behind higher rated umpires. This is not a difference in philosophy - the original play held a PU and his crew accountable for making a tough and unexpected call. We can debate ad nauseum whether they should have made that call or not, how they demonstrated it, who should have done what, how much tolerance was acceptable to upset coaches, etc. In the end, you umpire to your convictions. I related the story of a partner who tried 'preventive umpiring' (he told the shortstop to tell the pitcher to pause) only to have it blow up in his face. I showed how a coach jumped on me for keeping players from interfering with a play. Some of you find it acceptable to warn pitchers for balking (the rules don't support this) or other "minor" team/player infractions. Good for you. I encourage you to watch the CWS this week. Go to an MiLB park near you or watch the MLB crews at work. They have adopted new personalities out there. They don't ignore, coddle and help others cheat. I choose to emulate them. In the end, your integrity is all you have. I'll take a lower rating in order to sleep better at night. I see no reason to try to convince you to not cheat. If you are inclined to make it easier for yourself to officiate by preventing a player/team from breaking a rule, go ahead. I will not attempt to change that mindest any further. It is not arrogance, rather frustration that drives this now. I have never said I was better than anyone else here nor do I think others are less talented. Umpire to what is expected of you or allows you to be noticed by the powers that be. I'll continue to try to call what I see.
This is my problem mostly with this disagreement we are having. I never suggest that someone is cheating or helping the other team. I simply said that it is common practice to use some form of preventative officiating in baseball as others do in other sports. And yes that is relevant if you work other sports because it is common to teach or reference other sports as to what applies. I just was at a basketball camp where I was a clinician. We used a baseball example to make a point about how to make a basketball call. The example made sense to many as they were umpires currently or at some point in their officiating career. Do not take this so over the top that someone is telling you what to do. If you do not want to tell a pitcher that is close to a balk to be aware of it, then so be it. I would work with you and get along. But I would hope that when you do make that call you are not doing it on a borderline play that is so marginal that now every similar action must require a call from me as your partner or I have to hear why we are not consistent based on something we called previously. Again, I can sleep well at night with what I do as well. But do not act like there are those that do not teach this or expect this at all kinds of levels. I cannot speak again for what goes on at pro school; I can just speak for what I have seen D1 umpires to State Final umpires do. And there are so many camps and umpires I have heard talk about these things at all kinds of IHSA camps as well as those run by the NCAA. Again, not trying to convince you to change, just stating that this is widespread. No reason to get all hot and bothered about this, we are having a discussion about what is best to do. We are all not going to agree on every issue.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)