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Old Thu Jun 16, 2011, 11:23pm
David B David B is offline
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Originally Posted by TussAgee11 View Post
Yes Rich that is possible but its hard to really tell where the runners were and outs, was runner going, etc. Winning run, I could see leaving the plate guy at home and just sliding or pushing on a clean double. I'm not going to kill the crew for that, but its certainly worth a discussion about end of game rotations / slides in both 3 and 4 man. Nice catch.
Rotation is rotation. You're not going to change that simply because its the end of the game. There is no way communicate that with your fellow officials. But a very good point by Rich. I edited to add since i just saw your other post asking that question.
In all of our playoff games etc, we want the guys going out to cover the fly ball/ catch etc., on every possible situation.

But, I've never heard of changing anything simply because its the end of the game. If anything, I'm wanting F3 to make sure he goes out on a possible play etc.,


Last edited by David B; Thu Jun 16, 2011 at 11:25pm.