Thread: Whaddya got?
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Old Sat Jun 11, 2011, 07:30pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
What error would that be? That I have said that I would give a T for taunting? That has been the claim the entire time. Please show a reference that I am giving a T for implying contact? There is plenty of evidence in this thread to show my comments. I think you are just alone in your position and want to have someone to blame. Because I noticed you have not taking on the positions of others in this thread that have called you out for being unreasonable or silly in your position. There have been plenty here that have referenced your position as "that guy" or "only one official" would call this. Maybe I am so powerful on this site that I can influence how others think about basic rules applications.
You keep saying that you are giving a T for taunting, but what exactly constituted the taunting? Did the player say something to the opponent? Nope. Did he make a gesture towards him? Nope.
What he did was jump/land on him. He purposely made CONTACT with an opponent. This is no different than if he had run over and chest-bumped him, or as Scrapper wrote, punched him. The fact is that you are trying to characterize the action of contacting an opponent as taunting. As an unsporting technical foul BY RULE must be NONCONTACT, that is where you are in error.

As for the "that guy" stuff, that is simply you failing to have an intelligent argument, so you resort to a personal insult. How sad. I'm not going to stoop to such tactics. I'll just stick to discussing the rules.
PS By my count only one other person echoed that thought, so your "plenty here" statement is also incorrect.
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