Originally Posted by The Max Swineberg 7
thanks for all the help guys. Believe me the PU and I are good friends and it wasn't really an argument.
Irish, he kind of mentioned the same thing as you did here. I don't want to sound absurd, but what I said to him and what I'll say here is where do you draw the line? What if a second baseman is just standing on the edge of the grass and the runner takes a wider than normal path to second and collides with the fielder? I realize this may sound crazy but when I do lower division church league ASA games, you get some crazy stuff like this happening.
Thanks Irish and others for pointing out that contact is not required. I'm not upset with my buddy or any of you guys here. We are just honestly trying to get better and making sure we are doing everything by the book.
The runner can go wherever she wants to go. The fielder must clear out.