Situation #1 is an error on the official's part. It's not, however, correctable per 2-10. If the official's partner came to him quickly and told him that he'd screwed it up, he might have said, "Oops, inadvertant whistle" and given it back to the offensive team.
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
The injury play may not be inconsistent with the rules, but it shows an immense lack of common sense on the part of the officials.
Actually, it
is inconsistent with both Fed and NCAA rules. Fed Rule 5-8-2, Note: " When a player is injured as in Art. 2(a), the official may suspend play after the ball is dead or is in control of the injured player's team or when the opponents complete a play. . . When necessary to protect an injured player, the official may immediately suspend play."
NCAA Rule 5-9-8: The game and shot clocks, if running, shall be stopped when an official "suspends play after the ball is dead or controlled by the injured player's team or when the opponents complete a play after a player is injured."
If a kid goes down and stays down, then you blow it dead immediately if his team has the ball. You only wait if the opponents have the ball and are attacking the basket.