Originally Posted by PeteBooth
I guess we see things differently. Posey was blocking the plate well before he received the ball. IMO, that's why R3 did what he did.
Pete Booth
Not sure what we see differently, because I am not making the point you are or debating the validity.
But the runner went inside when he when he could have gone outside. In other words he had access to the plate from what I saw in the video. Instead he went straight at Posey to take him out. I agree with you that the rule would have to change about blocking the plate, but that is not why this happen. You do not need to block the plate for these plays to happen at the MLB level anyway. I am just wondering if it is time to change the acceptability of this play regardless of what the catcher might have done. And at the college and HS level, blocking the plate would not exonerate the actions of the runner anyway.