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Old Tue May 17, 2011, 03:17pm
tcannizzo tcannizzo is offline
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Posts: 870
Speaking ASA Championship, as per ASA Code, game clock starts on the first pitch of the game; which is what is strictly being enforced in NQs.

In normal tournaments, I will start the clock as the coaches enter the team areas after the plate meeting, because I also want to have 1-minute in the top of the first.

As for getting 5 pitches in 60 seconds, that is not a problem, unless the P was late getting out of the dugout, or fixing a hair ribbon, etc.

If C is late getting out of dugout, coach better be warming up P. There have been times where P got zero warm-ups because C was late and no coach to take warm-ups. Other times it will either be 3 or 2 or 1 pitch. Don't ever recall giving 4.

If coach takes the 5th warm-up, C does not get a "throw down", it is Batter Up, although I usually mention to coach after 4 pitches that if he wants C to get a throw to wait, unless we go past the 60 seconds.

Then if Batter Up has been called an P is not ready to pitch in 10 seconds, it is Ball 1.
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