Originally Posted by dilligaf
Good luck on the tansition! I came over tp FP at the high school level as well as ASA and have enjoyed it very much.
The great thing about fast pitch is that you dont have to deal with the intoxicated adults on the field in slow pitch. I still do slow pitch every week and I see somrting new evey time.
The only thing is now the drunk people are in the stands and they are looking at a college scolaship for their babies on every pitch...LOL
It is fun and I am sure you will enjoy it.
Good luck
Oh, I'm "deaf" to the other side of the fence. Been doing this too damn long to pay any attention to what's behind me, or to care about what they say. I've had other umpires try to get my attention from behind the fence, only to have to repeat my name 50 times before I realize, "oh, someone's behind me."
Some of it is just my desire to "mix it up" a little, some of it is my desire to get away from the "AA Leagues," but some of it is also to help out my assignor, who has been phenomenally and outrageously good to me.
Plus, damn it, I just love this sport!