Originally Posted by 26 Year Gap
You didn't say that. And if your arm is up, are you not supposed to give a visible count for 5 seconds? So, if your arm is up, and you are giving a visible count for 5 seconds to inbound after you put the ball at the inbounder's disposal, do you need a third arm for the commencement of the 10 second count, since you did not state originally, that that count started after the inbound pass was released? And, if in switching arms, due to different counts, ala closely guarded situations, how do you accomplish same if your one arm is held in the air because time has not been chopped in?
*waits for the 'shut up'*
Sure I did, when I posted the rule. And your questions are where tref was going, too. my point is, he's right in that the mechanics would be messy, but messy or difficult mechanics don't negate the way the rule is worded.
Now shut up.