Fri Apr 15, 2011, 09:36am
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 5,030
Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM)
1. Yes. The Base Ump is responsible for both the call at 2B and the call at 1B.
2. You might get two different answers on this one. I believe that the BU is responsible for a possible FPSR violation at 2B UNTIL the pivot man releases the throw. Once the throw is released, the PU is responsible for the FPSR violation.
Others might suggest that the PU has primary responsibility for the FPSR violation throughout the play.
Originally Posted by RichMSN
Nothing to add but a "me too."
Personally, I'll go with JM's first answer. The BU has primary on it until the throw is released, but as the PU, I'm watching the entire play at second to make sure something doesn't happen just as the BU turns to take the call at first.