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Old Wed Apr 13, 2011, 05:27am
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Ulster County, NY
Posts: 125
Kylejt wrote: "...On a play like this, the manager needs to do his job. He needs to go to the PU, ask what he had, and if he'd get help from the BU on the call..."

A similar incident like this happened to me last week in a JV game. I'm in the C pos. with a runner on 3rd. F1 pitches into the dirt; ball bounces into the batter's leg, then bounces off the catcher past him. R3 runs home. PU makes no call only indicating that R3is safe at the plate. (I thought I definitely saw a pitch hit the ground and then hit the batter, but I remained silent.) Defensive coach asks the PU "Wasn't that a dead ball?" Asks him twice before PU comes out to me. PU tells me that the ball hit the ground first. I told him that it doesn't matter; the ball hit the batter directly after hitting the ground. It's still HBP. PU took my information, then directed the batter to first and returned the runner back to 3rd. Play on...
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