Originally Posted by mbyron
At the pro level, you could pull it off, since there's no FPSR.
The fielder is usually trying to tag the runner but stay out of his way: if he slides toward the fielder in that situation, you'd very probably have an FPSR violation and an easy DP call. For HS ball I'd consider this a very low probability play for the offense.
That's not how I'm reading your original play.
I'm picturing a fielder with the ball in his glove coming at the oncoming runner to try to tag him and throw to F3 for the DP. He's in the baseline as he's running at the runner.
Are you saying the runner's only options are to be tagged or try to avoid the tag? Sliding is not an option? I always took the FPSR to be when the fielder is actually touching the bag. I guess I'm having trouble distinguishing between the runner being allowed to slide into the fielder if the fielder is in front of the bag in the baseline vs sliding into the same fielder in the same baseline who is not "in front of the bag."