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Old Thu Mar 31, 2011, 07:41am
Spence Spence is offline
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Originally Posted by jicecone View Post
And that is what the rule was put in for. Breaking up a double play usually means take out the fielder or disrupt his throw. FPSR was put in to eliminate and/or minimize contact between the runner and fielder. It allows contact only if the fielder ends up in front of the bag and the runner is executing a legal slide or attempting to avoid contact. Incidental contact.

I agree with Mbyron, "my bar for MC is going to be a lot lower that far from the base, though." The manner in which the runner is trying to break up the double play 45 ft from the bag, better pretty much conform to the same FPSR regulations allowed at the bag. .

Taking out the fielder this far from the bag and just before reaching the bag are two different scenarios. I find very hard to believe that the runner is trying to reach the base on a direct slide into the bag, 45 feet away. Sorry Rich
I'm not trying to be dense but I'm not sure if you're saying this slide is legal or not.

Do the rules forbid sliding if the runner is not within X feet of the base? If the runner executes a legal slide ie leg not raised - straight - etc and makes contact with the defender is it legal?

I ask because I read an SI article about Orioles manager Buck Showalter and his player mentioned Buck teaching them this. I was wondering if FED allowed it.
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