Re: What would you do?
Player runs up to you and yells in your face "You F***in suck." Assess a T?
Yes, I call a T. Kid needs to learn that the respect doesn't end at the horn.
Coach makes insinuation that you blew the last call by confronting and giving you the universal choking sign? Assess a T?
I'd probably let this slide, depending on how far he goes with it.
Player kicks the ball into the crowd hitting innocent people. Assess a T?
Yes, I'd call a T.
Player taunts another with confrontation and says "Nice f***ing game you puss*." Then gives him a little, minor shove. Assess a T?
I'd call a T.
One more comment. Player and coaches who follow a game with crap like this deserve to lose (provided they were winning and the free throws are made) and should know better. That said, I doubt many have seen any of these situations happen.