Thread: What if...
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Old Fri Mar 25, 2011, 06:50am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Chris Viverito View Post
No, R1 would not be out if the count was 1 & 1. B2 would be out and R1 would be returned too 1st.

For my question, none of the elements may change. Here they are again:

1 & 2. 0 out. B2 strikes out, then interferes with F2, who is trying to retire R1. Is there any reason that R1 will not be called out in this situation?
98.3% of the time, R1 will also be out. But, if F1 mistakenly pitches from a wind-up, or R1 is a state 30-yard dash champ, and F2 has a rag arm, and the pitch is a change in the dirt that F2 doesn't catch cleanly, ...

It's happened once to me in my career where I sent the runner back instead of getting an out.
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