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Old Wed Feb 12, 2003, 02:41pm
Tee Tee is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 58
Maybe you have covered this- I am new to the board, but I searched and could not find a thread...

Does each call stand on it's own, or do we need to consider the previous series of calls?

I am not talking about consistency - the calling of hand checks, palming or traveling etc. that we need to apply equally as they occur.

I went to a camp this summer, and they seemed to address it by talking about "sequence" Meaning do we really want to make a series of tough calls against the same team. I understand it is a slippery slope, and absolutly at times this is going to occur. But If I understood them correctly- and it was my first camp- so the possibility exists that I misunderstood- I need to consider the previous calls to some degree, and not just make each call in a vacuum.

If we have a block/charge call on one end, and we call it a block, then we have a very similar situation on the other end very soon afterwards- would you feel any reluctance(if that is the right word) to call it a charge. Meaning the same team came out with both calls.

Now I know you can say I just call em as I see em, but to make this more clear, I am saying they were both very, very close block/charges with enough contact that a call needed to be made.

This is a theoretical example, and I am exagerating the situation to make my point, but I hope I have made my question clear. So don't focus on my example- focus on the question please. Or give examples that help me understand if you would. Thanks
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