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Old Thu Mar 17, 2011, 11:31am
M&M Guy M&M Guy is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark Padgett View Post
Here's one to consider and it would really change the game. Give teams in the bonus the option, when fouled, to shoot the free throws or just take a throw-in. This would stop all that ridiculous fouling by trailing teams at the end of a game. A minor point - it would also take away our need to decide if a foul in that situation was a "normal" foul or intentional, which can be a real pain.
Actually I don't think it would take away the intentional decision. For example, what if a team fouls a player close to the endline because it has a better chance of intercepting the throw-in from there, as opposed to the sideline? And what if that player is well away from the ball? Couldn't that still be ruled an intentional?

Also, I do agree with tref - how do we handle the administration of the decision? What if they don't tell us right away? Do we start the 20-second clock? Do they get to use the time for discussion with their players, like they do for player disqualifications? What if they don't tell us? Do we get to choose? Is it a T? Do you use this choice only in the last minute? Two minutes? 5 minutes? All fouls after the 10th?

While I think the idea in theory has some merit, writing the specifics and the administration would be a problem..
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