Originally Posted by
Simply The Best
I was having a discussion about umpires helmetware with a couple of manufacturers and received a prototype that looks a lot like this:
Bulwark: American Football Helmet
...except smaller diameter mask bars, and more of them, a lot more ventilation as long slots and holes and light as a feather.
They have kids models coming out for Dixie and other youth ball in 2013.
Originally Posted by SAump
The lacrosse helmet already meets the baseball standards. It looks much better than the HSM or football helmet.
Never thought about the lacrosse helmet or was aware that it met NOSCAE baseball requirements.
The objection was removing the helmet chin strap during live action. I say leave it on.
I teach leave the helmet in place at all times except between innings.
The problem is finding a reputable ump willing to cross the field holding one in his left hand. Send us a pic!
We are very much cosmetic beasts, yes?