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Old Tue Mar 08, 2011, 02:38pm
Simply The Best Simply The Best is offline
In Time Out
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
A coach gets all the respect he returns in every game and every sport I work. If a coach asks a question the right way and actually listens to the answer and I know he doesn't get upset for no good reason then of course I'll listen when he's upset -- he's proven that he's worth listening to and knows how to treat umpires/officials.
The outcome is fine but the approach is completely bassakward. Start the game with respect for the coach not "he gets what he returns" which is either a neutral position, or imo considering your posts past" begins in a negative, combative posture.

Coaches, who btw are people, read your body language, your tone of voice, the lokk you do or don't give them at the home plate meeting, from third base, the dugout...they read and they judge how they are being perceived.

So it is mightily important to start the game with respect for people (coaches in this context) or you are doing nothing more than predetermining the outcome of the coach-official relationship.

Internet posting is very one dimensional -- it's hard to express nuance from a keyboard.
I would strongly disagree. For instance, the use of and and delivers a message as does bolding (my bet is you quite well understand how much I strongly disagree with you ), italicizing and several other non dimensional features.

Over time, the attitude of the poster, the point of his posts, the clarity in which he writes, his use of language, proper punctuation and a flurry of other factors highlight who he is, what he stands for, where his points of interest are...well, you get the idea...dimensionally.

There are some absolutes, as far as I'm concerned (my ejection last season was for being called ridiculous after we had interference on an infield fly that resulted in a double play -- no coach is going to stay after calling me a name)
Unless you posted this incident incorrectly, he didn't call you a name, he commented on the absurdity of the call, very different situation. Nothing personal there, dude, lighten up, again, this goes back to my first paragraph above. How you approach the game and the people. I would have gotten a good laugh out of that. Only a dunce for a coach believes he is going to gain anything positive by using such a redikalous term as "ridiculous". Think of it this way.

Stupidity is God's gift called light humour.

...but no good umpire/official is going to survive long without having a mouth AND an ear and knowing when to use the right one at the right time.
Here we go again. I strongly disagree. I know very good, even excellent officials who are quiet, to the point, rarely verbal or verbose and hear hardly anthing from fans, coaches or players.

I would not be in that group but I also would not paint them with that wide brush (remember the wide brush we discussed earlier in this it is again...) of not having survivability.

Fact is, they can be alive and well and amongst us at this very moment.

FYI, note how I spelled "humour", I did that to fool you into thinking I am a Brit. Funny how dimensionality can work with Internet posting.