Originally Posted by RichMSN
Kicked call? His perception of my calls is pretty irrelevant.
I'll answer this with a question: If a coach comes out for the fourth time in a game to argue a call, are you giving him the exact same reception and the exact same reaction as the first time?
I go into every game with a clean slate. During the game, I'd be lying if BS like what the OP described doesn't go into my decision later if a coach comes out and is close to getting run -- it may just push him right into the parking lot.
I will answer your question though you avoided mine, even though you now make the coach argumentative. The OP he was not.
1) I don't have coaches come out to argue that many times. I don't encounter coaches who need to but more importantly, my calls have never warranted four different arguments. I am not insinuating that your calls do.
2) Yes, I try to let coaches ask relevant questions on close plays. I have had coaches come out and ask me how I could make that call only to have me explain it and hear that they weren't even looking but need to make a show of it for their team. I have also had to run coaches who pushed the issue, probably more than you think. Coaches aren't my enemy out there and I try hard to eliminate prior encounters from consideration of the new play. If a coach mentions a prior call I know how to handle it.
I long ago posted that I would ignore the coach in the OP. Many others seem to think that is what we should do. I don't ignore something and then bring it up later. That is not 'ignoring'.
I wish you a good season.